A gamma ray is part of the electro-magnetic spectrum, which includes many other types of waves, like radio waves and ultraviolet waves, and even infrared waves. However, the gamma ray is very different from any others. The gamma ray is generated by sub-ato
mic particle interactions, which includes electron positron annihilation, radioactive decay, fusion, and fission. The frequency of the gamma ray usually ranges above 10^19 (10,000,000,000,000,000,000) Hz. The wavelength
range of the gamma wave is usually under 10 trillionths (10^-12) of a meter, or, 10 picometers. So, it is very intriguing that the gamma ray has an extremely high frequency and an extremely short wavelength.
Another interesting set of facts about gamma rays are the things they can be used for. So we have our sub-atomic particle interactions giving off gamma rays, but what can we use the rays for? Well, Gamma rays are capable of killing living organisms using "irradiation" (where an object is exposed to radiation to kill living tissue). This can be applied to the sterilization of medical equipment, removing decay causing bacteria from food, and preventing crops from sprouting to maintain freshness/flavor.
Aside from the uses, there are a few interesting phenomena regarding gamma rays. For example, gamma rays have the high frequencies and short wave lengths (as you may know), but they also have the SMALLEST wavelength and the HIGHEST energy of all waves on the electro-magnetic spectrum. Gamma ray bursts emit more energy in 10 seconds than the sun could in 10 billion years! Gamma rays are absolutely everywhere, but cannot be seen. However, they show us very much about our universe (see science.hq.nasa.gov). Also, gamma waves can be very dangerous, as they are a form of ionizing radiation, which can cause serious damage when absorbed by living tissue. Most of us have heard of the radiation that exists after a nuclear bomb, yes? Essentially, those are gamma rays, or the dangerous part of them anyway. (See www.fas.org for effects of nuclear radiation)

All together, we can see that gamma rays are a very fascinating part of the electro-magnetic spectrum. Though they are very dangerous, it is the ability to kill that allows these rays to be used in killing bacteria for sterilization, and other things along that line. However, with much research, there are possibly many other things that these rays can be used for.
Source Citation
Netting, Ruth. "Gamma Rays." NASA. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Mar. 2007.
E.P.A. "Gamma Rays: Radiation Protection." E.P.A. N.p., 23 Feb. 2010. Web. 31
Mar. 2010..
Mar. 2010.
NDT. "Gamma Radiation." NDT Resource Center. NDT, n.d. Web. 31 Mar. 2010.
You're article was full of interesting information and I liked your pictures a lot! I didn't even know what gamma rays were until I read this.
This blog is very interesting! It is surprising that the same kind of radiation that causes nuclear radiation also can clean food!
As sammy said gamma rays are not very understood. You did a great job clearing up the confusion. What are some side effects of exposure to dangerous gamma radiation?
this was very well thought out and put together. good job.
You could have started with the questions in the introduction at the very beginning of the article, instead of at the end of the first paragraph. There was a good sense of humor throughout the piece that made it fun to read. It was also good that you wrote out 10^19. Good job.
gamma rays also hold the key to a strange phenomenon predicted by quantum theory. photon splitting. like shooting an apple in half with an arrow. we also want to see if gamma rays travel at the same speed a the others, since they pack such a powerful punch!
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